Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Quote of the day!

“Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.” – Lydia M. Child


First, it was the terrible Hurricane Sandy in New York(which i played an active role,Volunteering in the aftermath clean up,distributing Toiletries and food.I thank some friends that came to volunteer with me especially on Thanksgiving day 2012,i was happy we were able to put smiles on the faces on these lovely people).

The next one that touched my heart was the random shooting of innocent people  including children at Sandy hook,Connecticut,killing 26 people.

Furthermore,we had the Boston Marathon bombing where many were critically injured.Kudos to the FBI for fishing out the culprits.

And now,we are hearing of the Tornado that occured in Oklahoma.As at now,about 90 are dead and 230 people injured.

God help us!